Sage of Halo's Gallery #3

sage50.jpg (49655 bytes) Sage attacking
sage51.jpg (49094 bytes) Sage in his pretty picture
sage52.jpg (19237 bytes) He's figured it out!
Sage53.jpg (26846 bytes) Sage standing in the middle of destroyed soldiers.
Sage54.jpg (24346 bytes) Sage in the forest with looooong sword.
sage55.jpg (28903 bytes) Sage holding his sword.
sage56.jpg (24286 bytes) Sage finally has the ball in his hand.
sage57.jpg (24423 bytes) Sage telling off Anubis.
sage58.jpg (22642 bytes) Sage calling his armor.
sage59.jpg (22345 bytes) AHH!!!! Too close!!!!
sage60.jpg (23689 bytes) Sage calling his armor AGAIN!
sage61.jpg (26224 bytes) Sage putting on his armor.
sage62.jpg (24631 bytes) Sage with squinty eyes.
sage63.jpg (19735 bytes) Sage talking with sword in hand.
sage64.jpg (16996 bytes) Sage's face. Isn't his skin kinda pinkish?
sage65.jpg (14540 bytes) Sage crying with glowing armor.
sage66.jpg (24979 bytes) Sage throwing the ball.
sage67.jpg (5830 bytes) Sage talking to a deer. (Animals always listen better than humans haha.)
sage68.jpg (22155 bytes) Sage crying.
sage69.jpg (17359 bytes) Sage with no shirt.
sage70.jpg (22023 bytes) Sage looking over his shoulder, and up.
sage71.jpg (25277 bytes) Sage with his head down.
sage72.gif (56480 bytes) Sage with his power getting zapped.
sage73.jpg (15691 bytes) Sage taking his helmet off.

Sage74.jpg (14033 bytes)

Sage's face close to the screen.  WISDOM!

To Gallery 4!